The Second Law of Thermodynamics states simply that systems have a universal tendency to gravitate towards disorder

Sunday, February 27, 2011

More terms (the last?) for the mid-term

1st, 2nd, 3rd , 4th(or 1st nation) world countries

The problem(s) with developing nations

Dutch Disease


Green Belts/Green Heart metro patterns

Post Colonialism

Issues Confronting Europe

Bugetary, Austerity, Unemployment, Housing Bubble, Immigration, Pensions

How does the U.S. urban pattern differ from the suburban pattern

Transportation, density, settlement, land use, location of activities, space

How did the Federal Govt. contribute to suburban sprawl

Why did the U.S. population largely leave the city for the suburbs?


Production-side theory in gentrification

Consumer-side theory in gentrification

Inclusionary zoning

Rent control

3 waves of immigration in the U.S.

3 types of immigrants and their differences

Legally documented





3 reasons why people emigrate

Economist view of immigration

Tragedy of the Commons … explain it

2 general solutions to the tragedy and their limitations

Collective action

Public good

Free rider problem

Mancur Olson’s explanation on why collective groups lose power as they gain in size

Social capital

2 reasons why we use social capital

Minneapolis case study finding

Yonkers case study finding

Stranger Danger

The potential problems with implementing democracy in developing nations

Issues with Foreign Aid

Election example:

Good government

Lie to electors

Scapegoat a minority



Restrict the strongest candidates from running

Miscount the votes

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