The Second Law of Thermodynamics states simply that systems have a universal tendency to gravitate towards disorder

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I think I have your essay questions

I'll most likely select two of the four listed below.

1.) Compare and Contrast the urban ecology paradigm against the urban political economy paradigm for analyzing a metro area. How are they different and what was/is the rationale behind them? Are they still relevant?

2.) It can be argued that Rome’s decline was set in motion by the beginning of the Empire. Discuss this idea (specifically in terms of complexity and systems) in looking at the Period from 27BC to 476AD? How did Rome fall?

3.) Explain the rise of suburbanization in America (what caused it?). What sort of impact did this have on metro areas, populations, living styles, and transportation. What the long-term outlook is.

4.) Is gentrification a dirty word? It is probably impossible to have a broad discussion about the metro environment without it. What is lost or gained with it? Is it a good thing? A necessary evil? Or just evil? Or something else entirely? Explain what you know about the term, why and how it happens, and your views over it.

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